Repair Accessories Package

Repair Accessories Package

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Price: $67.95

Get back out on the water quickly with this Repair Accessory Package.  Has everything you need to get your kite fixed on the fly.

  • FMK Fix Kit
  • One Pump Hose and Tie Straps (5 strut)
  • Roll Ripstop Sail Tape (White or Black)
  • Tear Aid (2-Pack)
  • Kook Proof Pigtails




PKS Kook-Proof Kiteboarding Pigtail Set PKS Kook-Proof Kiteboarding Pigtail Set

PKS Kook-Proof Pigtail Sets are complete 8-piece sets, set up in kook-proof fashion with different colors for inside and outside lines, and pre-set knots and pull-tabs for ease of use.  Replace worn pigtails or adapt almost any kiteboarding control bar to a kiteboarding kite. Fix Repair Kit Fix Repair Kit

The kite repair kit by includes everything you need to do an emergency repair. This kit is essential for any kiteboard trip.

PKS Kiteboarding Standard 1/4" ID One Pump Hose Kit PKS Kiteboarding Standard 1/4" ID One Pump Hose Kit

The PKS Kiteboarding One Pump Hose Kit has all you need to replace the hoses and clips for an external one pump system. Works on most kites. Easy to use and fits like the original factory set. Choice of 3 or 5-strut kit.

1" Ripstop Sail Tape 1" Ripstop Sail Tape

Ripstop sail tape is the best way to repair cuts in the sail of your kite. This "peel and stick" Nylon tape will provide the strength needed to repair small cuts in your kite to get you back out on the water fast.
*Can also be used on paragliders and sails.

2 Product Reviews - Average rating 2.5 / 5 (Show All)

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Nice kit!

- 11/14/2019

This kit has everything your need to get back out on the water. It saved my session more then a couple of times. Great to have on hand.

Must have!

- 2/14/2017

Got this kit just to have as a back up and keep handy. Well it has saves several kiting sessions. Keep one of these on hand and you will save the day for your friends and yourself. Has just what you need to get back out on the water finish your session...

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