Dakine Vega DLX Kiteboarding Seat Harness - Black Reviews for the product - Dakine Vega DLX Kiteboarding Seat Harness - Black (Back to product)
1 Product Reviews - Average rating 4 / 5 (Best Rated | Worst Rated | Most Recent | Oldest)

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almost perfect

- 10/5/2023

For context: I have used seat harnesses all my windsurfing life, ever since the late eighties. So, when moving into kiteboarding some 6 years ago, it never even crossed my mind to try a waist harness, till friends started laughing a bit about me wearing daytime nappies, which made me uncharacteristically self aware and which lead me to try a waist harness.

One's preferred style of torture is a highly personal matter of course, but speaking for myself, I prefer the occasional wedgie over severe back pain and crushed ribs after a violent big air crash, so I went back to seat harnesses and have sworn to never again don a waist harness.

That being said, there aren't so many great seat harnesses out there and that is exactly where the Dakine Vega comes in. The seemingly unique feature of this harness is not only its largely unpadded shape, but more importantly, that it actually works as a seat...
This is due to the 8-point load spreading setup, which sends the tension from the bar directly under your Gluteus Maximus (ass), rather than to your back, thus creating more of a swing seat feel, rather than an automatic wedgie device.

It is quite strange that other brands have not picked up on that yet. Now that my first Vega has finally succumbed after years of abuse, I scanned the market and just bought my second Vega gain, a DLX this time.

Is it perfect? no it's not. the waist strap is a bit flimsy and the Dakine spreader bar is prone to rotation, but as a seat it is in my opinion the best option. I have equipped it with a more sophisticated spreader bar and I have now my most enjoyable harness ever.

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