Sea Specs Kiteboarding Water Shades - Jet Black Reviews for the product - Sea Specs Kiteboarding Water Shades - Jet Black (Back to product)
5 Product Reviews - Average rating 4.8 / 5 (Best Rated | Worst Rated | Most Recent | Oldest)

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Sea specs

- 10/24/2011

Very good price and product. Thanks

Sweet deal

- 4/17/2011

nice glasses for a great price....not great to wear under a helmet....the slider on the strap does not rest flat, so it creates a pressure spot inside the helmet...still love them....(i just carved out a little space in the helmet padding, now no problems)

Buy it

- 12/30/2010

I owned these before and really liked the versatility and lightweight frame. That's why I bought them again.


- 11/8/2010

all other glasses come second to these. escellent strap system won't come loose. can't beat the price for polarized!

Great design

- 7/30/2010

I have very sensitive eyes to the sun and after a recent trip I knew I had to find something. The guys at kiteboarding helped me out with these and I am stoked. Never had them come off and they even keep the water out of my eyes!

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