PKS Full Carbon KISS Hydrofoil Bar v2 - Complete Bar - Ready 2 Ride Reviews for the product - PKS Full Carbon KISS Hydrofoil Bar v2 - Complete Bar - Ready 2 Ride (Back to product)
3 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Best Rated | Worst Rated | Most Recent | Oldest)

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10 out of 10! Beautiful! Must-have piece of gear!

- 7/19/2022

I am a nut for kite foiling. I LOVE IT. I AM ADDICTED TO IT. This KISS BAR is the best investment in gear I have made, maybe in my entire kiting career. I rave about it to all who will listen! Going back to my old bar would be like going back to "holding hands" if you catch my meaning. I use the bar with a Naish boxer and it is a dream. Do yourself a favor and get this bar! You won't regret it! I am going to get a 2nd one! It's that good!

Love , love, love my bar!

- 8/14/2020

The PKS bar has really increased my kiting skills . I had a habit of sheeting in too much, which does not allow tbe kite to fly properly, especially when foiling. Because it is so light, the PKS bar helped me break that habit. My original PKS bar was stolen, and I did not enjoy the other bars I had to use while waiting for my new PKS bar. I felt like I couldn't kite! As well as improving my foiling skills, the simplicity and efficient engineering of this bar makes me feel safe.


- 11/10/2021

Literally changed my whole concept of kiting. Traveling, foiling...complete game changer. I picked up my North Trust Bar recently - it felt like a barbell. I'll never go back.

Great customer service, design - Bravo!

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